Voicing Effectively for these kind of Spots:
Conversational, Guy Next Door
Branding, Corporate, Remarkable.
Unforgettable, Cool Gravitas
Quick Crazy Fast, Disclaimer Style.
Motor Dealership or Politician Approach
Accented Spanish English, Accented Italian English.
Characterized: “Count Chocula”, “Quick Draw McGraw”, Cartoonish.
Real sense translation in Universal Spanish.
Scripts Adapted in the same amount of words. No Broken Messages.
Quick Turnaround. Own Studio. Can record your line today!
Flexible, down to earth. No job too small, Love to help.
Budgets negotiable. Lifetime career, 25 year+ experience. No Improv. No Bull.
100% Pro. Carlo has been the voice over for thousands of spots and promos
of class “A” products. Guaranteed you will get what you’re looking for…
Shoot me an email to get in touch right now.